Monday, March 05, 2007

Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. . .

I love Pull-ups, baby wipes, Hyland's Teething Tablets, and Vaseline Waterproof hand lotion. (Which of course they don't make anymore. At least my pump bottle is gigantic.)

The foul trash is out, the kids all tucked in, my mom asleep.

I'm going to guzzle my Airborne (one a day max for nursing mommies--my own rule), fold a little laundry, move the next loads around, re-Purell and lotion myself (resisting the urge to just gargle disinfectant), do a little writing and collapse into bed.

I don't know if I should cancel Q's OT or not. He's the least likely to be contagious, but. . .

We'll see what daybreak brings.

(Please, please, let it bring angels carrying hot broth, ointment for my cracking lips, and some nifty all-encompassing anti-viral stuff. Please. I was almost over that sinus infection. I've been sick for more than two weeks. Wah.)


andie said...

I'm so sorry Carrie! I'd bring that stuff (minus the angelic presentation, sorry) if I could!

Sinus infections are just awful...but you know that. Have you tried a Neti pot?

Anonymous said...

Carrie, You are an amazing example of the stamina that God gives mothers!

Anonymous said...

Carrie, I am feeling like my usual idiot self. You probably can't even imagine how a one-track mind works. But I was past my Missoula shopping trip beforen I even thought about "I was supposed to bring stuff East for Carrie". Sorry!

Squeaky said...

Janel says she used colloidial silver w/ sea salt in a glycerin solution the last time she had a bad sinus problem. Supposedly it worked well for her. You could never get me to use that stuff. I bet you can guess what you do with it.