Sunday, February 18, 2007

In review. . .

Good morning! (I started writing this Sunday morning, it's now Monday evening, but hey. Whatever.)

What a week it's been. Monday I walked into Q's OT session so find that the nice DDD lady was there to watch what he could do and see what his needs are in terms of equipment. As a result, she'll be getting approval to pay for a platform swing and a bolster or two. Yippee! Also, when the OT was putting Q through his paces, she upped the ante by introducing a switch device. She recorded "swing, please" and "sing a song"--which were then represented by the big yellow and red buttons. He got the "swing, please" button three times consecutively with his forehead (he was holding the ropes on the swing with his hands--also a really big deal). The OT was surprised that he was so consistent, especially at the initial introduction. They're closed tomorrow for the holiday, but I'm anxious to get back and see what he can do next. Heh.

Tuesday Q drank water from a soft spout sippy cup. Yeehaw! I had been thinking that it was about time for this. He really could use some more liquids, since the solids have helped slow his digestion considerably (apparently typical for this type of brain damage). He got probably 1/3 cup, though he soaked the towel I had over his tum with his dribbles. Ha.

Wednesday I had mediation over the phone with the kids' dad. It was draining and I don't know what we accomplished, but it's over. (Irony, irony--Happy Valentine's day! Snort.) The older two had counseling appointments in the afternoon while my darling aunt kept the little girls. When we were done, we headed over to her place and had nachos before trundling off to Target. Where our tire went flat as I was in the midst of fever and chills. Yay. I love that we live on a planet that has made up AAA. We shopped while we waited for the nice man in the head-to-toe yellow suit to arrive. My uncle showed up too, which was really super because the spare was a leeettle low on air so he found us a gas station and directed us there before the tow guy had even left.

Thursday I developed a mild-ish sinus infection while our co-op friends were in the throes of rotavirus, which, thank God, has been more or less resolved with IV help. They seem to be getting lots better and, bonus, we seem to be showing no signs of it at all (fingers crossed, eyes heavenward). By then, Q was much better, having had a little upper respiratory virus on Tuesday which kept him fussy cranky all. day. looong. He went back to his regular nighttime routine of giggles and babbles when the house gets quiet. Love it.

Friday Q's PT was great--he worked hard, we got the ball rolling on adjustments for his Snug Seat (he needs some way to have toys up a bit because of his vision/positional issues), and I talked with the ST about more issues surrounding food and drink and development. We picked up the CD someone had left in one of S's library books (!) and came home to collapse in a heap, er, clean up the house. When I had completely had it, I sent the kids off for Quiet Reading Time, in which they go to their beds and look at/read/ listen to stories until I tell them to come out, that's what.

Yesterday we made it to church, in spite of the volume of green crud in my head and my fun little hot spot which looked a little like the beginnings of mastitis. Oy. After nursing the boy for now the third day in the oddest positions in order to aim his little chin just right, the heat and redness is gone, only a little lump remains. It's shrinking, too. (Why do I tell you this? Because I knew you'd want to know, of course. Go ahead, roll your eyes.) Whatever. Neither condition is contagious, so we went. We enjoyed it. We came home. We had changed clothes, had lunch, and went off to walk by the river with friends.

The forecast had been sun in the morning, rain in the afternoon, so we were hurrying. But? The breeze and clouds didn't kick up and roll in until the sun started to disappear. I hauled Q in the pack, which he loved and provided me with a fabulous calorie-blasting opportunity. Everyone else cavorted, gallavanted around the two mommies as we walked. It was, officially, a hoot.

This morning, Q kept reaching for and dropping a pair of white tennis shoes with navy laces. I kept picking them up and putting them back within reach and he kept hauling on the laces and throwing them on the floor. He was having fun. Hee.

I'll be back with more later in the week.

(Hope your week is off to a grand beginning.)


~ V ~ said...

Hmmm...I don't recall that the sun was shining quite so brightly when I sat down here a few minutes ago...what a beautiful day it is turning out to be. Thanks for sharing.

Old Dominion Heather said...

How cool that Q. is reaching, grabbing and accomplishing his mission! Prayers for him continue here.

Laura said...

Yay, Q! Yay, Mom! Yay, God!