Saturday, March 19, 2011

Good things

Q had a fun week.  In addition to his usual stuff, his Tuesday morning therapies were all cancelled - a big meeting for the therapy place - so he had four mornings of preschool.  He was thrilled to hang with his peeps for an extra day.  Wednesday afternoon, he had a clinic visit with pediatric/special needs dentists in training, and he thought it was pretty spiffy.  He stayed in his chair for the exam and cleaning, only bit the nice lady once, and had a teeny cavity filled (they expect it to sort of heal itself up).  His only regret?  Not getting to play with all the lights and other stuff that were hanging over his head.

Everyone's out, the washer just stopped, the place has been cleaned about as thoroughly as it's likely to be while the kids are these ages, and all's right with the world. 

Three Good Things:
- More running happened this week.  I do not like to run and suck wind, but when I do it more frequently, I love it.  Truly.  It's awesome to feel a little burst of speed up that last hill, to revel in muscle tissue that wasn't there for the last run, to have all kinds of strength that needs stretching.  Love. it.  Interestingly, my knees are okay with it, so far.  Fingers crossed, eyes heavenward.
- This house.  I've been taking inordinate pleasure in cleaning the baseboards, having an organized drawer full of All the Things In the Kitchen that Cut (including knives), and keeping spaces tidied.  The kids seem to be following suit.  Well,  except for their own rooms.  Aherm.
- Friends who drop by and chat.  It's so lovely to have the opportunity to do that, and it's becoming more and more difficult to go anywhere else to just hang out.  Q's needs aren't likely to lessen.  So I'm just grateful for people who make time to just be, you know?

Hope you're looking forward to a lovely weekend, maybe savoring the sun, watching the skeleton trees turn into springtime cotton candy.  XO.

1 comment:

Phoenix Rising said...

Just read your last three blog posts. All I can say is that I don't have the corner on crazy. :D