Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I'm still here! Breathing! Feeding the kids! Folding laundry! Tra la!

We had a very odd weekend which I'll post about as soon as I can cobble together the time required to do it well. Until then (don't hold your breath), here's some stuff to chew on.

Thesis topics: Themes of loss in Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series. Hmmm. Okay, there was more than one thing in my head when I first thought about this. . . Perhaps I'll just come back to that.

We're (sort of) taking the week off from school. We've had a very successful first six weeks and are wrapping up loose ends while otherwise going about the regular business of life. We hit the zoo/aquarium yesterday, planned to do a big tour o' fun today following piano lessons but the teacher called to say that she was on her way out of town to attend to her failing father, poor lady, so we did other, less consequential things instead. Tomorrow, following counseling, we'll be off to a bird refuge (shhh--the kids don't know it yet) and I can't remember Thursday's plans. Friday we're going to go pay fines at the library (wheee!), check out another two giant baskets of books, and get Q back to his regularly scheduled therapy now that our beloved PT is back from her honeymoon.

At the moment, the most pressing things in life are: getting Q to keep his Trileptal in his mouth long enough to swallow it, figuring out a more advanced earth science and astronomy curricula for my boy who could quite nearly have written our current ones (minus punctuation and spaces between words, of course, because we've yet to see the compelling argument for those), gathering gumption for the daily-ness of things, and getting enough sleep. And on that note, I'm off to bed. Thanks for the ongoing thoughts and prayers.

(P.S.--Q is doing well on the Trileptal. He slept most of his first 24 hours on it, but woke up after, mostly happy--but for the teething. Ack! His dose increases again on Thursday. I expect him to be quite sleepy again, but it seems to have resolved quickly for him and should again. He's had small seizures with far less tone present than in previous episodes, thank God. His hands have been softer, more relaxed lately. It seems to correspond directly to the work I do on them--massage, finger play. Good news, that. On we go.)

1 comment:

~ V ~ said...

"minus punctuation and spaces between words, of course, because we've yet to see the compelling argument for those."

I SO know what you mean. Someday.

bunches of hugs,