Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week's End

I'm so glad it's Friday.  Deep breath... 

Conversations about Q this week included prospective special needs car seats, since he's truly outgrown the longest, most supportive, "regular" seat I could find.  He's just looong.  So we'll try out possible models in a week and a half.  We really need ramps for the front and back  doors, and for the van - then the conversation would shift a bit, and might even include timing for a possible power chair of his own.  Q also brought home an older Daessy mount (this, sort of) for his iPad, which he is just loving.  The rockstar OT who's working with the power chair trials scrounged and found this in a closet.  I've been scheming over how to manage a support arm like this for a couple of years, so I'll just go ahead and say it: Squee!  There aren't really words for how big a difference it's already made for the boy.  Big, happy sighs.

We have crockpots of spiced apples set to "warm," bubbling away on the kitchen counter.  There's a lovely breeze coming in through the window.  Tomorrow will be above eighty again, after a couple of days of rain.  Earlier, I stuck some chocolate mint into a tub of sugar, and now I'm waiting for the lavender to dry so I can start a new batch.  A couple of weeks ago, we had a bunch of blueberries which were good, but needed to be dessert.  I happened upon a tub of lavender sugar I made last year and had forgotten about in the mug cabinet.  Eyes rolled back in their heads - a drizzle of cream, a sprinkle of lavender sugar, et voila.  A luscious new favorite.

The rain was nice, but since the air stayed so warm, the weeds sure grew.  Meanwhile, the couple hundred green tomatoes are still hanging out (ba-dumpbump).  I keep harvesting Lemon Boys, which are delicious with goat cheese.  Okay, with any cheese. The Zebras are pretty.  Also green.  Sometime over the weekend, I think we'll make another run at the blackberries and thistles, and try to get some of the random naked areas covered with black plastic for winter weed abatement.  The flowering plum and dwarf red anjou need to be put in the dirt.  They were gifts, last fall, and I hadn't settled on their permanent homes before winter, or in the spring.  But we've moved them around the yard and moved them again, and imagined their future leaf canopies, talked about pruning, and now - the shovels.  We also have some curly willow twigs that came out of E's birthday flowers from grandma - they've leafed and rooted, and now it's time for dirt.

The random volunteer perennial babies are also doing well:  lemon balm, bronze fennel, blue hyssop, Hidcote and Munstead lavenders, oreganos, sedums, and chives on steroids.  It's a little nuts, but I can hardly wait to see what spring brings.  The hollyhocks have already thrown a bazillion seeds, and the bee balms have grown enough that I think they'll survive the winter.  And there are pansies coming up all over.  Ahhhh.

I've got school supplies to figure out (fret), and schedules to organize over the next couple of days.  The kids are ready for a full fall schedule, and I'm almost there with them.  I keep wishing I had a couple of extra days just to pull projects together so we're more collected as we begin All the Activities at once.  And more paperwork issues have come to light in the last couple of days, so...  Maybe I'll switch to getting up at 6, so I can have a little time before the kids have to be up?  I wonder if that wouldn't be best, since I'm pretty much fried by the time they're all tucked in and away for the night.

They're all quiet, so I'm taking my musing self to bed.  Happy being grateful for those who Labor Day.


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