Friday, March 06, 2009

More Shhhhh.....

That last post was wildly optimistic, as it turned out. That night seemed like it was going to go well, but turned out to be one of the worst we've had in the last few weeks. At least it didn't require me to rearrange the living room furniture at 3 am so I could catch mere minutes of sleep between his kahfitzing episodes. No joke. He was fine for around twenty minutes at a time, then needed holding, a drink, walking, snuggling (but no sitting down, thankyouverymuch), rearranging. Eventually, around 5:30, he slept for about an hour and a half before getting up for the day. He did have a nice nap that afternoon, though. I can say confidently that I could totally pass on a repeat of that night (the rearranging of furniture night).

Last night was good -- the boy slept in his own bed from about 11:45-ish to about 8 am. That's about as good as it gets here. He went down a little while ago, fell asleep on grampa's shoulder, all warm and snuggly in the rocking chair. So I'd better get to bed too. If I were to stay up and try to Get Things Done, it would inevitably result in his awakening at about the same time as I was falling asleep.

Anyone needing a thesis topic, there's gold in the study of that phenomenon. Parents everywhere would like to know how little ones know and act up or wake up when the mamas and/or the daddies sit down to read, want to go potty alone, try to mop the kitchen floor without interruption, or even engage in, ahem, "alone time".

Cover your eyes (or skip this paragraph) if you have tender sensibilities. One very good solution to that last scenario: two cookies + a video = "two cookie quickie". I read about that in a parent to parent advice column when the first two were very small indeed. I hadn't been much into keeping cookies in the house before, but we had 'em more often after that. And other treats. A small paper cup full of raisins and chocolate chips will do in a pinch. Or you might just set the bag of chocolate chips in the middle of the floor with a spoon. Between that and the movie, you'd be set. What? How do you think we got the other three?

Before I push my sleeping kidlet luck, I'm heading to bed. Here's to good sleep, less sinus weirdness for all, and cookies.

Happy Sabbath. Hope to be back soon with updates about the Q-meister.


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